Starting at

Different Session

Starting at University  - Different Session Types

A semester is divided into weeks, and each week typically covers a topic. All the teaching and learning activities in that week will offer different opportunities for developing an understanding of the topic. Large lectures present the key concepts and important topic details, and these are elaborated on across the rest of the week in tutorials, pracs, labs, and workshops that give students opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding. While attendance at lectures is considered by students to be optional, most hands-on (pracs, tutorials, labs, workshops) sessions are mandatory.

Select each tab to learn more.


A lecture is an oral and audio-visual presentation by an academic of a course (or a guest expert or specialist). It is recorded and posted for students to access online. There is not usually an opportunity for questions, and students are expected to take notes. Lectures vary in the number of students and can number over 1,000 students. Attendance is not mandatory but highly recommended. However, many students choose to access the material online rather than attend in person.


Tutorials provide an opportunity to engage more actively with the weekly topic. These sessions are run by tutors rather than the lecturer, and are smaller classes that go through the topic using a variety of activities, including discussion, group work, problem solving, and student presentations. This is where you can ask questions and clarify the requirements of the assessment tasks. These sessions are typically face-to-face but there may be flexibility to participate in real time online.

Practical / Laboratory

A practical session involves the practice of a particular skill or technique. Examples include a laboratory class, clinical skills, artefact handling, language conversation, computer programming, or field work techniques. These are usually face-to-face and mandatory.


This term can be used interchangeably with tutorial. However, it can also be a one-off session with a visiting expert and related to the course, not necessarily that week’s topic. The opportunity to hear and ask questions of a visiting expert is one not to be missed.


A workshop is a structured and interactive session designed to create an environment for working in groups on activities that relate to the week’s learning outcomes. Workshops are designed to engage participants and foster their active involvement in the process.

This terminology can vary between universities. Many universities do not have lectures anymore, they are done online and can be videos, activities or readings, which are expected to be done prior to attending the class or tutorial.